Tomato hybrids TOM 8874 F1

Crop Tomato hybrid
Variety name TOM 8874 F1
Segment Semi Determinate Open Field
Characters Semi determinate, high yield, 120-140g, uniform green shoulder, square red color, firm fruit, 65-70 days maturity. Heavy bearing open plant.
Fruit size & shape Fruit weight 120-140g. Square big roma, uniform green shoulder, very firm, good red color fruit
Disease Resistance IR: TYLCV, TM22, F2

High/standard resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure.

Moderate/intermediate resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high/standard resistant varieties. Moderately/intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest or pathogen pressure.

Performance may depend on local envirnoment conditions.